Monday, May 25, 2009

Successfully Adopting Pair Programming

In 3.5 years as a consultant I spent more time talking (with clients) about pair programming than any other topic. In general, client developers had never properly paired and had no desire to do so. To make matters worse, the business predominantly thought two developers on one machine was a waste.

Despite the prejudices, usually by the time we left a client the business and developers had become pro-pairing.

Successfully adopting pair programming can be hard, but it's also entirely possible if you leverage the lessons I've learned.

This article assumes you have done some pairing and are looking to help your organization adopt pairing where it makes sense. The advice can be helpful for people in various roles; however, it is written mostly for developers or team leads looking to introduce pair programming to their teams.

This article makes no attempt to address whether you should or should not be pairing. There are benefits and drawbacks to pair programming (like most things), and I think there is already decent information available covering that topic. Discussing the pros and cons of pairing would take away from the focus of this article: If you already believe in pair programming, how can you successfully introduce it to your team?

read article at :


  1. Hi Mohammad! Happy new year89! Your weblog is very useful. I have been away from JEE since Tartan. But I am starting to get interested to do some Java EE once again.

    1. Hi Sohail,

      I was looking at my blog archive and suddenly found your comment here :).
      Happy new year91 and thank you for the feedback.
